We live with eyes for eternity.

We take comfort in knowing that there is hope for something so much better than what we know or see around us. Our current circumstances, no matter how drastic or hopeless, do not define us or determine our eternal future. We have hope in the great things that God has promised in His word. We rest in that hope knowing that Jesus has made us clean so that we may dwell with Him in Heaven, free from the chains of sin.

Written as a reminder of our eternal future, these 10 original songs seek to shape and encourage faith in Jesus Christ. Our hope is to point you to the real Hope of things to come.


It all began with an idea.

What if we could capture and share the heart and enthusiasm of a Sunday morning worship service with Basic Military Trainees at Gateway Chapel Lackland Air Force Base?

We have been blessed by this for many years and knew that others would be blessed too! Our hope was to take the worship experience and be able to share it with basic trainees to remind them of God’s faithfulness in every moment. These 9 original songs were written for BMT and we’re honored and excited to be able to share them with everyone.




Kids' songs filled with fun and joy that point to Jesus.

Inspired by the book of Philippians, these songs remind us to be like Christ, rejoice in all things, and shine our lights for Jesus. Written for kids and sung by kids, we think you'll love our heart and sound. Available on all streaming platforms.